Like, first we had this split-group thing again, the boys did pottery, girls did art.
We had to put this gauze thingy that people put when they want to make a cast, yup, and we must dab it with water first then put on our hand to make a mould of our hand. SO FUN.
then must put some vaseline petroleum jelly first, so that it won't stick. we had a choice to do face or hand la, but we all saw the vaseline, so we were like, 'OKAY. LET'S DO HANDS INSTEAD.'
i dont know what the boys did, though. But girls had pottery later that day too.
The teachers were all very very nice and helpful. And the pottery teacher has loads of snake bites and encounters with snakes so he was telling us about them. SO COOL OKAY.
ANYWAYYYYYYY, after art (girls) and pottery (boys), we all went to the auditorium to watch Indian dance performance and learn some steps too.
They all danced really well, and i only found out now that in the Indian dance steps, there is actually a lot of meaning. Like, there's this whole list of hand gestures which are so looooong, but i guess as a dancer they have to memorise it?
Yeah, but the dance was interesting. Different from any dance I've seen before.
Then we were asked to join in and learn some basic steps, which was pretty interesting and yeah, even the teachers joined in!

Then we got Mr Raven to dance as well. FUNFUNFUNFUN:D
Uh, after that, girls went for pottery lessons, while the boys played soccer.
Sand did not fly when they kicked the ball, btw.
Then when it was time for us to go, we all took loads of pictures, exchanged emails and hugs, and they wrote Have A Safe Trip in Chinese for us!
Yeah, but they directly translated it so it said like 'Zou Hao' which directly translated to English is... Walk Good.

Then we went to this supermarket, which looked quite like the ones back in Singapore. We stocked up on candy and of course, CHEWING GUM:D... AND FOOD.:D
Yup, so uh, after stocking up we went up, where there was this clothes store, selling the traditional clothing, i think.
Some other stuff that could be used as souvenirs also, like soaps, scarves... etc.
We did our last minute shopping before heading back to the hotel.
We had free time until 6, (6.30 for upper sec) and we (lower sec) had to talk about the RH day and brainstorm on what to present.
Ate dinner, drived to the airport.
HONKHONKHONK. oh well, at least not as bad as the day we landed. THAT WAS FBHDSDIFBEKBSAU.
yup, we saw our buddies and we chatted with them while we queued to get into the airport.
inside the airport it was still very messy.
Our buddies couldn't come in, so we could only say goodbye through a window.
like, WAVE then mouth BYEBYE. SAD :(.
UH, we had to wait a long long time to board the plane.
then we were back in Singapore.
Missed us? :D
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
Great work.
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